воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

Forex api json

Forex api json

Forex API provides a simple solution for retrieving reliable exchange rate data for your next project. We support over 40 currencies which are aggregated from various reliable sources.
Consistent and reliable exchange rate data solution.
Our currency data API powers the Internet's most dynamic startups, brands and organisations.
Reliable Forex Rates.
We provide a consistent and reliable data by aggregating rates from a variety of reliable sources such as commercial banks and financial institutions.
Simple JSON API.
Our simple JSON based API makes it easy for you to get up and running within minutes. You can use our service with any programming language and any platform of your choice.
Easy Conversion Coming Soon.
Simplify the process of converting amounts from one selected currency to another by using our service. We will use the latest rates and do all the math for you.
Spot & Historical Rates.
Get instant access to a variety of live spot rates. Our service also has historical data which you can query since 2000.
Easy & Convenient Integration.
Integrating your website or application with Forex API is a task that can be completed within minutes. We also provide libraries in various languages such as Python, Ruby and PHP to get you up and running faster.
Get instant access to a reliable currency data provider.
Sign up for a free account to test our service without any obligations or commitments.
Stay in the loop with news and upcoming feature announcements with our product newsletter.

The Forex data you need to power any project.
Better data, infrastructure and delivery:
✔ True tick data: 100+ updates per second.
✔ Quotes straight from European trading floors.
✔ Used by several Forex brokerages and options houses.
✔ Multiple delivery formats: JSON, XML, CSV.
✔ Round-trip times as low as 15ms.
✔ Easy to use API documentation and examples.
1Forge is the only provider that delivers true FIX speed with the convenience of an API.
Most forex data providers force you to compromise: you can either get really fast data through a FIX connection (aka a firehose) for thousands per month, or you can get slow data via a JSON API. With 1Forge, you can have the best of both worlds: the speed of a FIX connection and the ease of use that comes with a JSON API all at a reasonable price.

Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion API.
Fixer is an open-source, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange (forex) rates published by the European Central Bank.
The API updates rates daily around 4PM CET every working day. Historical rates go back to 1st January, 1999.
Get the latest foreign exchange reference rates.
Get historical rates for any day since 1999.
Rates are quoted against the Euro by default. Quote against a different currency by setting the base parameter in your request.
Request specific exchange rates by setting the symbols parameter.

Forex api json

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How do I get currency exchange rates via an API such as Google Finance? [closed]
Now, I did find the Google Finance API and started looking through that but I found a lot of info about portfolios, transactions, positions & other stuff I know nothing about.
Am I looking at the wrong docs? What do I need to do to get a feed of exchange rates from GF? Is this even possible?
To make things a little clearer. I'm not interested in technical stuff nor do I want any code.
closed as off-topic by George Stocker ♦ Feb 27 '14 at 20:12.
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: "Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it." – George Stocker If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
locked by George Stocker ♦ Aug 29 '14 at 18:22.
This question's answers are a collaborative effort: if you see something that can be improved, just edit the answer to improve it! No additional answers can be added here.
10 Answers.
Thanks for all your answers.
For posterity here they are along with other possible answers:
Yahoo finance API Discontinued 2017-11-06.
Discontinued as of 2017-11-06 with message.
It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service is being discontinued. For all future markets and equities data research, please refer to finance. yahoo.
This CSV was being used by a jQuery plugin called Curry. Curry has since (2017-08-29) moved to use fixer. io instead due to stability issues. Might be useful if you need more than just a CSV.
(thanks to Keyo) Yahoo Query Language lets you get a whole bunch of currencies at once in XML or JSON. The data updates by the second (whereas the European Central Bank has day old data), and stops in the weekend. Doesn't require any kind of sign up.
Here is the YQL query builder, where you can test a query and copy the url:
Open Source Exchange Rates API.
Changing "base" (from "USD") is not allowed in Free account.
currencylayer API.
Free Plan for 1,000 monthly hits.
Changing "source" (from "USD") is not allowed in Free account.
European Central Bank Feed.
Fixer. io API (European Central Bank data)
Here's another JSON(P) API based on the Google API (source: this comment):
Yahoo has a YQL feature to get a whole bunch of currencies at once in XML or JSON. I've noticed the data is up to date by the minute where the ECB has day old data, and stops in the weekend.
Here is their query builder, where you can test a query and copy the url:
The European Central Bank (ECB) also has the most reliable free feed that I know of. It contains approx 28 currencies and is updated at least daily.
If you need a free and simple API for converting one currency to another, try free. currencyconverterapi.
Disclaimer, I'm the author of the website and I use it for one of my other websites.
The service is free to use even for commercial applications but offers no warranty. For performance reasons, the values are only updated every 30 minutes.
Here are some exchange APIs with PHP example.
[ Open Exchange Rates API ]
Provides 1,000 requests per month free. You must register and grab the App ID. The base currency USD for free account. Check the supported currencies and documentation.
150 USD = 18039.09015 JPY.
[ Currency Layer API ]
Provides 1,000 requests per month free. You must register and grab the Access KEY. Custom base currency is not supported in free account. Check the documentation.
150 USD = 18036.75045 JPY.
If you're looking for a ruby based solution for this problem, I recommend using the Google Calculator method a solution similar to the following: j. mp/QIC564.
Here is one simple PHP Script which gets exchange rate between GBP and USD.
Google currency rates are not accurate google itself says ==> Google cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates used by the calculator. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates. Foreign currency rates provided by Citibank N. A. are displayed under licence. Rates are for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Rates for actual transactions may vary and Citibank is not offering to enter into any transaction at any rate displayed.
Beside the geolocation done by IP (but the IP is the provider IP, so not so accurate), they return currencies also and have a currency converter: see examples.
They have 111 currencies updated.
For all newbie guys searching for some hint about currency conversion, take a look at this link. Datavoila.
It helped med a lot regarding my own project in C#. Just in case the site disappears, I'll add the code below. Just add the below steps to your own project. Sorry about the formatting.

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