воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

Forex 100 pips daily scalper

Forex 100 pips daily scalper

On average you could make 100+ pips daily if you use this new ultimate Scalping tool! It is not magic but an advanced IT technology that enables the indicator to "see" where the price is going, therefore you will always be on the right side of the market - on the winning side. Once you get this new secret 1 minute scalper - you will never look back, and never want to use any other Forex scalping system or software. This is easy for anyone but only known to a group of Wealthy.
FX Trading Elite!
1 minute scalping trading! It is so simple, yet so powerful, that anyone could use it to profit EVERY minute from Forex with little or no experience. 100 pips daily can be yours!
Dear Trader, Allow me to introduce my latest and best Forex scalping software that could easily.
generate 100+ pips a day! FINALLY we have been able to create something really incredible for scalping trading:
Important: This is a brand new SCALPING indicator, never seen before on the market! This is something very special! Why?:
Because we have used a brand, new never seen before secret combination of Forex tools and indicators together - that removes a major problem of SCALPING - most.
Unlike other indicators you do not have to sit in front of your PC all day waiting for a signal to be generated. Everything is done - buy sell popup alert, alert + Blue line BUY, Red line SELL will be printed on your screen! You can configure the "100 Pips daily scalper" to you when a signal is generated. That's right, get signal alerts straight to your phone or work automatically. It also works on ANY currency pair so you can always have signals coming your way no matter what markets are open!
Actual signals screenshot:
In just 1 hour - 3 trades No losses!
Amazing profit over 100 pips every single day!
Actual signals screenshot.
3 hours only - 6 trades - No losses! Amazing.
profit over 100 pips daily:
2 hours only - 2 trades - +15; +50 pips still running.
a trade. amazing profit over 100 pips daily:
3 hours only - 5 trades - no losses - 153 pips profit!
The biggest scalping trading problem solved - nearly zero false signals! It makes scalping profitable like never before in the history of Forex trading.
180 pips in just 4 hours!?
Here is a screenshot of the actual signals recently generated by the indicator:
Does it really works?
My scalping secret allows mainly profitable trades to be opened since the indicator "knows" the direction of the price movement within the next few minutes. The only question is "how much" does it make. I guarantee that if you use the indicator correctly (follow all the rules) - your average daily profit doing simple scalping could be as high as 100+ pips per day or more!
It doesn't guess, it doesn't assume, it "KNOWS" how the prices are going to behave. This is why it is very different from all other scalping tools and indicators sold on the Internet which try to “predict” the prices and inevitably are incorrect. The "100 pips daily scalper" is an intelligent Forex tool.
It possesses a RISK MANAGEMENT function which ensures you don’t loose your capital and winnings. All risky signals are carefully filtered! It’s wonderful, isn’t it?
Use the 1 minunte secrets and you won't have to worry about keeping open positions for a long time. All You need is to trade "100 pips daily scalper" buy/sell signals and alerts. 100+ pips daily can be yours! It is absolutely possible to have 9 or even 10 winning trades out of 10. All you need is to know - the secret methods and exact trading algorithms known to the group of trading elite.
" 100 pips daily scalper " is a group of real forex scalping secrets that was developed by experts with decades of experience that allows anyone to start making money instantly - every single minute .
It is a known fact that there are a lot of garbage forex short term trading systems out there that aren't worth the electrons they use up. Some of these FX scalping systems out there reveal only the very basics of forex technical analysis, teaching no real forex strategy, and others only go so far as to instruct on the 5 and 20 moving average cross. You can waste hundreds of dollars on forex trading systems that tell you less than what you can learn by spending $20 at your local bookstore (or even get for free on the Internet)..
What if you could potentially earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars within the next 1-2 hours? Well, with 100 pips daily scalper it is possible.
with advanced FALSE signal filter!
Wouldn't the wonderful world of trading just be so much simpler if somebody could create a holy grail indicator which would tell you exactly when to enter the market and when to close your trade? Life would be simpler wouldn't it? There would be no stress and all the hard work is done for you. Well, traders have been trying to accomplish this since the beginning of the markets. There have been countless indicators that have been created to try to accomplish this feat. None have been successful. until NOW!
Technical indicators take too much of the "feel" away from traders.
As you are reading this letter, the indicator is actually producing for us and many other "100 pips daily scalper" owners real cash. it has been since we fired it up on our live accounts and it continues to nail trade after trade profitably, accurately and most importantly. Almost completely RISK FREE!
You Need To Know almost NOTHING About The Forex Market Or Forex Scalping To Benefit Day In And Day Out From 100 pips daily scalper's Cash Producing Power.
All you need is to know how to download a program and push BUY or SELL buttons - thats it! Here is the thing.
We are aware of the fact that many people find technology difficult. Hence, we really took the time and produced the most easy to install Forex software you will find.
You will actually be amazed when you see how easy and fast it is to get up and running!
I guess this is the part where I am supposed to say "If you buy my tool, you will make 10 zillion, trillion, billion dollars".
I'm not going to say that. I'll tell you why. Because, frankly I don't know you.
There are some people that are just born to be bad traders. No matter what you do. No matter what you teach them. They are destined for failure. I don't know if they just don't listen to instructions well or they just become paralyzed with fear if a trade goes 10 pips against them.
BUT, I will say this. Irregardless of who you are, I can safely say, you will see the forex scalping through a whole new set of eyes. What you do with the information is strictly up to you.
I also realize that certain people just may not be up for this.
indicator does NOT repaint!
"100 pips daily scalper" does not repaint or change its signals - every buy or sell signal once produced will not disappear.
Important: The theory behind this software is based on evaluating the strength of a particular trend and calculating when to enter the market based on some unknown price action tricks and combination. Once a signals is observed, it then waits for all built in indicator to be in "agreement". As soon as everything is in sync, the 100 Pips Daily Scalper gives you a signal and a pop up alert with audio telling you when and where to enter the market. As mentioned before, it can also be configured to send you an when a signal is generated. That means alerts on your PC so you don't have to sit in front of your PC all day!
How the "100 pips daily scalper" indicator Works:
Pick a Forex pair or a stock that you'd like to trade. Open a chart.
Choose your time horizon: M1, M5.
Whenever you see a buy or sell signals (red or blue line) or get an alert, you decide whether or not you want to enter the trade.
4. Exit point will be PRINTED on your chart!
- alert with with entry and stop loss levels.
- Popup alert with entry and stop loss levels ( with sound! )
"100 pips daily scalper" gives you EXACT entries and exits on every trade you take, allowing every software owner to take the exact same high probability trades we take. Literally, if you can read red and blue lines and learn a few simple rules, you can learn to scalp with "100 pips daily scalper" in a matter of minutes. GONE is the subjectivity and second guessing that is the #1 reason most traders fail!
This method has the potential to completely change your life. This highly profitable secret scalping method is now available in "software" mode, which have been hidden for years.
Because it’s a scalper, you can expect to make 20-100 trades per day and the goal is to spend as little time at the computer as possible. However, the "100 pips daily scalper" user's manual tells you the right trading times when you can use this software successfully.
If you want a software that cannot go wrong in terms of making revenue potential, then please access the 100 Pips Daily Scalper machine right now..
This is what you will get:
- Step by step User Guide (pdf)
- The software in action screenshots.
Dear Trader! If within 30 days, you are still not convinced of how powerful the 100 Pips Daily Scalper is then just return it and get all your money back at once!
The 100 Pips Daily Scalper is super easy to install and requires no technical experience or knowledge. On top of that, you will always have my personal support to assist and help so we are sure you will install and profit from it easily!
Once you buy it you will instantly be mailed the 100 Pips Daily Scalper - even if it's the middle of the night.
Testimonials received - no lies - all records available on request as a proof.
NEW: March 18th, 2012 at 3:51 am.
Thanks a lot Karl.
Aug 25th, 2011 at 3:51 am.
Aug 25th, 2011 at 3:51 am.
Sep 30th, 2011 at 9:40 pm.
Nov 25th, 2011 at 4:48 pm.
Nov 25th, 2011 at 4:48 pm.
Dec 4th, 2011 at 3:34 pm.
I have from you 100 pips daily SCALPER INDICATOR and BUY SELL WAIT indicators both with exelent results on different timeframes thanks for your support and waiting for new development.
Thanks again Karl.
sean d. <sean999do---gmail>
As you know I was more than a little sceptical about the 100 pips daily but thought I would try it and if I didn't like it will get my money back.
Today I tried out on a demo account and in the first hr made 60 pips on 4 currencies. I was impressed. Then a sell signal came up on euro/dollar which lost me 50 pips and my confidance waivered a little. I had to stop there as the twins were crying and I had other stuff to do. I checked back on and looked up euro/dollar gbp/dollar gbp/euro and dollar/chf. If I had stuck around I would have made over 400 pips in total this afternoon. So I settled for a quick scalp of 14 pips in 2 mins instead. Going to continue with demo but looking at placing my first ever live trade next Thursday. This package looks like it will pay for itself many times over.
Cowboy Bill <cowboyi---gmail>Good day Karl,
Well that's not the case with your new 100 Pips Daily Scapler.
I see it perfectly, as it perfroms it's task.
1. the way it positions itself with the candles.
2. I feel relaxed with it.
3. follow the rules, I was tempted not to. But I did and to the tune.
of $309.00 this first day out.
georgios z <gp-z---hotmail>Dear Karl:
Q. This website looks familiar to me.. Is it the same software that i already purchased from you?
A. No. It is a brand new website/product. It is not similar in any way with my other products or indicators. First time published Aug, 2011 (this indicator is much more profitable than any of my previous scalping tools..)
Q. What do I need to start using the "100 Pips Daily Scalper"
A. You need a basic computer and internet connection to use the system all information for setup is provided.
A. The "100 Pips Daily Scalper" indicator works perfectly fine on:
on 1min, 5 min - it's designed especially for SCALPING.
A. The "100 Pips Daily Scalper" indicator works perfectly fine on.
any Forex pairs! Yes! Any.
Q. What platform will the "100 Pips Daily Scalper" run on?
Q. How do I get the software?
A. Instant Download.
Q. Is it a robot, EA?
A. No! It is Forex indicator that will shows you when buy or sell.
Q. Can I run on a demo account before I risk my own money?
A. Yes of course, you can run on a demo account for as long as you like until you see that it is making you consistent profits, then you can switch to a real account.
Q. How much money do I need to start trading?
A. You can start with as little as $100 with some brokers, although we recommend a minimum starting amount of at least $250. We can recommend you a broker ..
Q. Do you provide support?
A. Yes we provide full support both with setting up and implementation of the system, money management issues, technical queries and general trading support.
Q. Are there any monthly fees for your system?
A. No there are absolutely no monthly fees, this is strictly a one off purchase.
is then just return it and get all your money back at once!
only $149 Lifetime access.
Even if it is 2 a. m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant.
access to our members area where you can download "100 Pips Daily Scalper" .
This is a one time fee only. You will never be re-billed.
24/7 Online Customer Support - One time payment - No hidden fees.
U. S. Government Required Disclaime r - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Forex System Indicators.
Download Indicators, Forex systems, Expert Advisors, Trading Strategies for free.
100 Pips Daily Scalper Forex System Indicator.
The “100 Pips Daily Scalper” is a brand new software for scalping trading - complete trading tool designed for SCALPING TRADING on 1 minute (optimal) and 5 minutes timeframes successfully and consistently.
The indicator is ultra profitable and can generate 100+ pips daily if used correctly.
+20 pips, + 80 pips, + 35 pips = 135 pips in just 2 HOURS ( Near the London opening).
The main principle of the indicator (All in one!) is:
- 2 secret custom indicators,
- bb + stoch (as filters),
- price action scalping system.
The hit rate of the indicator is about 75-85% in most currencies if used correctly..
We advise that you read and make sure you understand the entire system before putting it into practice. Experiment and gain experience in demo accounts before trading with your own money.

100 Pips Today Scalper.
100 Pips Today Scalper simple indicator defines the beginning and end of the trend. Very suitable for intraday scalping. According to its structure reminds MA that changes color when you change the trend, red for Sell, yellow for Buy. 100 pips today scalper simply defines the minimum and maximum movements depending on the installed options.
100 Pips Today Scalper best fulfills himself in trending pairs such as EURAUD, GBPAUD, GBPJPY, EURJPY. Standard is also nice. MA is built from N number of objects (Ctrl + B).
Characteristics of 100 Pips Today Scalper.
Platform: Metatrader4 Currency pairs: Major pairs Trading Time: London session Timeframe: Any Recommended broker: Alpari.
Settings of 100 Pips Today Scalper:
BPERIOD - default parameter 34, but I recommend to put 36. The signal will be more accurate. I have just such a setting and installed.
APERIOD - there are three parameters 1, 2 and 3. 3 by default, I recommend to leave it, if you put 2 line will be smoother. 1 - more sensitive than 3.
aTake_Profit - what number is written here at such a distance from the line will be installed * as a place for Take Profit. If set to 0, then the star is mounted directly on the line, not to interfere in the chart.
aStop_Loss - what number is written here at such a distance from the line will be installed * as a place for Stop Loss. If set to 0, then the star is mounted directly on the line, not to interfere in the chart.
aAlerts - true / false enables / disables the sound signal when changing colors.
SignalTextSize - text size signal.
BuySignalColor and SellSignalColor - text color signal for Buy / Sell.
Recommendations for 100 pips today scalper:
You can work on one indicator when changing colors do the reverse position, but with a small lot and only in trending pairs and only M5. Tests were carried out and the overall result was positive.
In my opinion, 100 Pips Today Scalper ideal for working on EURAUD. We put the indicator on the M15 with the parameters of course 36 and look which way the trend is on it. Next put the indicator on the M1 and the signal on the M1 opened sideways trend M15.
In the archives 100_Pips_Today_Scalper. rar:
Free Download 100 Pips Today Scalper.
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8 Responses.
very good sir, I tested as U said it is certainly positive on EUR/AUD.
can I use only London session or can I trade all time this pair on M15 TF.
Hi! this indi perfectly colaborate with ” megafxprofit”, I added cycleidentyfier with setups (1,4,2) and entry I have when the line of “mega…” is above in up and below in down trend, and exit with a thick bars of cycleidentyfier . Works good…
oh! I forgot to say , in “megafx…” I added two levels -(+0,5 and -0,5) and when the trend will be up my entry is when the line of indicator goes above this +0,5 level line, and when is down, line should be below the -0,5 level…. I think this addition helps me to avoid too repainting of indicator.
How to change levels at +0.5 and -0.5? I’d like a basic explanation, I’m starting. Thank you.
that’s me again! for scalping the setups for ” cycleidentifier” would be better ( 1,2,2) this way produce more good signals…
How do you use the cycle identifier? I feel like I am looking at a different one than you, because mine is all over the place.
It won’t work when I try to download it… what are the recommended steps?

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I am using the 200pip moving average indicator they sold like 2 years ago. It is still available and I am using it on 3 different accounts. basically it is just an improved moving average indicator, an upgrade of a free, similar indicator I found before, but it works well and I cannot complain. I would, however, not recommend it on shorter time frames, I only use it on H4 and D1 and only with NZD/USD and - not even recommended by Dittmann - on XAU/USD. Turned out it is very reliable with Gold. I also made an adjustment, i set the signal period to 19 instead of 15 which gave me less errors and better results. Yes, they did not invent anything new, but i got a MA Indicator now with sound which is very important if you trade larger time frames. And the buying price of 110 USD was made back with just one single trade, so what . ? Works :)
KarlDitshit really good when copying free indicator and sell it .. Search TCCI and you will get it..
I bought this product with guarantees that a beginner can follow the signals, it was just following the signals appeared with TP and stop loss. When I bought the product it was not so simple 100 pips daily give false signals against the trend that the user must eliminate themselves. This was not mentioned until after the payment. Karl Dittmann guarantees on their pages 100% money back guarantee no quetions asked. The first s he said that I should get my money back. But then he stopped responding. This is over 3 months ago . I have been scammed and would like to warn others against dealing with Karl Dittmann.
This is a Stop and Reverse Type Indicator , that.
always gives a Trade Direction.
Would Not Recommend it be used Straight Away.
You Need Other Indications When to Enter a Trade.
Further Trade Filters.
may Not Be Good for Trading.
Comparing it with Other Trade Considerations.
as well Offline . Signals are Crystal Clear.
One Color is UP the Other Color is DOWN, and.
it can be Applied to Any Time Frame on the MT4.
or Change of Direction . Good Indicator To Assist.
in Your OverAll Trading.
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